Thursday March 27th 2025

Cameiro was carefully designed to provide maximum biosecurity and is in a favorable location for disease control. There are no neighboring livestock facilities. We have secure perimeter fences with controlled access. Unauthorized persons, animals and vehicles are not allowed on the ranch.

Cameiro believes we have only one chance to get it right. Sanitation and biosecurity are major requirements on the ranch. Since calves coming onto the ranch are young stock they are therefore less of a threat to carry disease than older animals. Calves are isolated for a minimum of 30 days evaluation and acclimation.

Cameiro's standards are high. Feed bunks and water troughs are always sanitary. Feeding equipment and storage areas are cleaned daily to prevent moldy or spoiled feed. Hospital facilities, treatment areas and equipment are cleaned daily. The inseminators prepare the semen and breed one heifer at a time using a disposable sleeve.

Cameiro utilizes only two local haulers who meet our stringent standards to return heifers. We strive to minimize stress for the heifers. Transporting trucks are not crowded and travel is scheduled with outdoor temperatures in mind. Our employees are trained in gentle handling techniques.